English to Marathi Meaning of chaparral - चॅपरेल

Chaparral :
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Definitions of chaparral in English
Noun(1) dense vegetation consisting of stunted trees or bushes
Examples of chaparral in English
(1) Less than eight inches tall, the annuals are inconspicuous, and were growing in a balding area between full chaparral and non-native grassland.(2) This species lives exclusively in or near sandy soils within coastal dune and scrub communities and maritime chaparral .(3) Their land is fairly remote, tucked away from customary life on undulating hills and drainage folds that are thickly wooded with live oak and chaparral .(4) In halting English his campfire host told about his dream of settling there amidst the oaks and chaparral , irrigating a vineyard and harvesting honey.(5) Also important are mountain tops or ‘sky islands,’ and in some cases deep, shady canyons, that support chaparral , woodlands, or other communities that are relics of more temperate periods.(6) In California, the chaparral and coastal sage shrubs form excellent cover for rodents, rabbits, and birds.(7) They are moving incredibly quickly through dried brush and chaparral that practically explode when they ignite, threatening the life of any firefighter nearby.(8) The Appalachian Mountains, Florida swamps, and Texas chaparral became the domain of armed bands of Southern deserters.(9) We spend billions each year in futile attempts to prevent floodplains from flooding, barrier islands from migrating, chaparral from burning, and predators from predation.(10) The thick chaparral of a remote region in the Sespe Wilderness, part of the Los Padres National Forest, in Ventura, California, has concealed a lost herd of desert bighorn sheep for more than five years.(11) Wear long pants to protect your legs from the surrounding chaparral .(12) Ecologically, it's a transition zone between chaparral and yellow pine forest.(13) The tasting room has a glorious view of shining Lake Mendocino, set off by the dusty chaparral all around.(14) Birds and chipmunks feel right at home in this miniature oasis amid the dry chaparral of the Santa Cruz Mountains.(15) They prefer grasslands, chaparral , and scrub oak areas to forage for food.(16) Parts of the golf course are adjacent to undeveloped chaparral .
Related Phrases of chaparral
1. bush ::
2. scrub ::
English to Marathi Dictionary: chaparral

Meaning and definitions of chaparral, translation in Marathi language for chaparral with similar and opposite words. Also find spoken pronunciation of chaparral in Marathi and in English language.

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